Access government services from one place

Find and access government services

Manage all your government services in one secure and easy to access place online.

Create an accountSign in

Why create an account?

  • Secure and easy way to share your details

    Use your yourGov profile to easily provide your personal details when you access any government service.
  • Find and manage business approvals

    Search, apply and manage business licences and permits online in one place.
  • Manage benefits and payments

    Find what you are eligible for and then claim and manage your payments online.
  • Track the progress of applications

    Receive real-time alerts for your government approvals, applications and transactions.

Intending to make, serve or sell alcohol?

Get tailored step-by-step guidance on what approvals your business will need to sell and or serve alcohol. Just answer a few quick questions about your business.

Find liquor licence tool
  • Services

    An easier and faster way to connect with government services for your business.

  • Help

    Information and support to help you use yourGov.