Agriculture Design System
Design System for the Export Service


The Agriculture Design System supports the use of universal system icons.

Usage guidelines

When using an icon, prefer also adding an accessible label and making it discoverable to all users. When an icon’s purpose is clearly conveyed by its accompanying context and will not provide additional benefit to screen reader users, keep it as decorative.

Each icon in our library is meaningful and universal, to ensure users understand them. Icons should not be too detailed, to ensure they’re clear at all sizes.

When using an icon with a button or link, the icon should appear before the text except when the icon indicates direction, e.g. Next or external links.

React component

The Icon component is used to apply our set of universal icons to more complex components of the system.

All icons

  1. AlertCircleIcon
  2. AlertFilledIcon
  3. AlertIcon
  4. ArrowDownIcon
  5. ArrowLeftIcon
  6. ArrowRightIcon
  7. ArrowUpDownIcon
  8. ArrowUpIcon
  9. AttachmentIcon
  10. AvatarIcon
  11. CalendarIcon
  12. ChartBarIcon
  13. ChartLineIcon
  14. CheckIcon
  15. ChevronDownIcon
  16. ChevronLeftIcon
  17. ChevronRightIcon
  18. ChevronUpIcon
  19. ChevronsLeftIcon
  20. ChevronsRightIcon
  21. ChevronsUpDownIcon
  22. CloseIcon
  23. CopyIcon
  24. CornerDownRightIcon
  25. DeleteIcon
  26. DownloadIcon
  27. EditIcon
  28. EmailIcon
  29. ExitIcon
  30. ExternalLinkIcon
  31. FacebookIcon
  32. FactoryIcon
  33. FileIcon
  34. FileTextIcon
  35. FilterIcon
  36. HelpIcon
  37. HomeIcon
  38. InboxIcon
  39. InfoFilledIcon
  40. InfoIcon
  41. InstagramIcon
  42. LicenceBusinessIcon
  43. LicenceIcon
  44. LinkedInIcon
  45. LockIcon
  46. MenuIcon
  47. MinusIcon
  48. PauseIcon
  49. PermitIcon
  50. PieChartIcon
  51. PlayIcon
  52. PlusIcon
  53. PrintIcon
  54. ProgressBlockedIcon
  55. ProgressDoingIcon
  56. ProgressPausedIcon
  57. ProgressTodoIcon
  58. ScrollbarArrowLeftIcon
  59. ScrollbarArrowRightIcon
  60. SearchIcon
  61. SettingsIcon
  62. SuccessFilledIcon
  63. SuccessIcon
  64. ThumbsDownIcon
  65. ThumbsUpIcon
  66. TwitterIcon
  67. UnlockIcon
  68. UploadIcon
  69. UsersIcon
  70. WalletIcon
  71. WarningCircleIcon
  72. WarningFilledIcon
  73. WarningIcon
  74. WebsiteIcon
  75. XIcon