Agriculture Design System
Design System for the Export Service


Release notes and latest updates on the Agriculture Design System.

  • AgDS Beta v1.23.1 release

    Fixes various components for React v16 consumers and AppLayoutSidebar level two item backgrounds.

  • AgDS Beta v1.23.0 release

    Add sub-level support to App layout sidebar, new UX for Side nav sub-levels, add theming to Main nav and Footer, allow co-branding App layout header, plus various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.22.0 release

    New File upload error UI and related fixes, accessible focus management support for various components, App layout theming, co-branded Header, plus various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.21.0 release

    New Time input and Time picker components, added level 2 support to Progress indicator, plus various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.20.0 release

    New statuses for Status badge, active states for various Progress indicator steps, 5 new icons, plus various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.19.0 release

    Add alternative date format support to Date pickers. Add new Grouped fields component, plus various minor bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.18.0 release

    UX and accessibility improvements to Date pickers. Add new statuses to Progress indicator. Improve UX of table sorting, plus various minor bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.17.0 release

    Small accessibility improvements, plus various minor bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.16.0 release

    Initial release of Password input, improvements to Combobox, plus various minor bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.15.0 release

    Various minor bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.14.0 release

    Extended Pagination to support items range text and items per page select dropdown, improved accessibility of the Dropdown menu, plus various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.13.0 release

    Small patches to App layout, extended Table primitives to support batch actions, plus various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.12.0 release

    Extended App layout components to support the new account dropdown menu, plus various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.11.0 release

    Initial release of Section alert and Filter sidebar, rename `Filter drawer` to `Drawer`, added `info` tone in Callout, plus various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.10.0 release

    Initial release of Dropdown menu and List components, improved focus indicators, plus various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.9.0 release

    Visual refresh of the Global alert component, updated App layout for easier integration, plus various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.8.0 release

    Initial release of the Tabs component.

  • AgDS Beta v1.7.1 release

    Patch release to ensure items in navigational components are highlighted correctly based on the active path.

  • AgDS Beta v1.7.0 release

    Initial release of Filter drawer, extended functionality in Page alert and Status badge, plus various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.6.0 release

    Move nested components into their own entry points to improve documentation, plus various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.5.1 release

    Minor improvements and bug fixes to App layout components.

  • AgDS Beta v1.5.0 release

    Initial release of App layout components, improved performance of animations, various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.4.1 release

    Fixed controlled usage bug in multi-select combobox, added support for xml MIME types in file upload.

  • AgDS Beta v1.4.0 release

    Added multi-select combobox, extended progress indicator, various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.3.1 release

    Minor bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.3.0 release

    Extended the functionality of Date picker and Date range picker, improved accessibility of Table, updated Side Nav styling, various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.2.1 release

    Various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.2.0 release

    New Avatar component. Various bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.1.0 release

    New FileInput component and new icons. Bug fixes and improvements.

  • AgDS Beta v1.0.0 release

    The Agriculture Design System (AgDS), which helps designers and developers build the Export Service efficiently and consistently, is now in Beta.

  • 4th January, 2023

    Add GlobalAlert and SearchInput components. Various bug fixes and improvements.

  • 24th October, 2022

    Improved accessibility of our components after a professional external audit. New components Details, SummaryList, and more.

  • 26th August, 2022

    Prose component. Text variant for Button. New Header, Footer and MainNav.

  • 27th July, 2022

    Rethought our <Columns /> component, improved many of our components to handle colours more consistently, and introduced @babel/runtime as a dependency for most packages.

  • 28th June, 2022

    New branding for Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. New Switch and Pagination component. Various bug fixes and improvements.

  • 15th June, 2022

    Added support for React 18. Various bug fixes and improvements.

  • May 30th, 2022

    Add ButtonGroup component. Various bug fixes and improvements.

  • May 16th, 2022

    Various bug fixes and improvements.

  • April 28th, 2022

    Add HeroBanner and Loading. Various bug fixes and improvements.

  • April 1st, 2022

    Add DatePicker, Modal and Table. Various bug fixes and improvements.

  • March 23rd, 2022

    Added PageAlert, new tone colours, bug fixes and improvements.

  • March 16th, 2022

    Updated Icon API, new components, bug fixes and improvements.

  • March 3rd, 2022

    Add InPage Nav. Bug fixes and improvements

  • March 2nd, 2022

    Improve navigation components

  • February 23rd, 2022

    Add new form and interactive components

  • February 8th, 2022

    Add new components ‘Button’, ‘ButtonLink’, ‘Columns’, ‘Column’ and ‘Card’.

  • January 24th, 2022

    Add new components ‘Breadcrumbs’, ‘Icon’ and ‘SideNav’.

  • January 7th, 2022

    Changes to improve usability of primitive components and to better enable using framework provided link components.

  • January 5th, 2022

    Initial release. This is the first release of the upcoming Agriculture Design-System components.

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