Agriculture Design System
Design System for the Export Service
6th June 2024

AgDS Beta v1.22.0 release

New File upload error UI and related fixes, accessible focus management support for various components, App layout theming, co-branded Header, plus various bug fixes and improvements.


App layout

  • Add background and palette support to AppLayoutFooter, AppLayoutHeader & AppLayoutSidebar.
  • Fix AppLayoutSidebar not closing on item press.


  • Deprecate focus prop in favour of new focusRingFor prop to enable a focus ring when the element is keyboard focused (focusRingFor="keyboard") and programmatically focused (focusRingFor="all").
  • Add breakWords prop to let words break across multiple lines where necessary.
  • Add alignSelf CSS prop.
  • Add justifySelf CSS prop.
  • Add 'start' and 'end' as valid alignItems values.
  • Document all style props.


  • Add alignSelf CSS prop from Box.
  • Add focusRingFor prop to allow programmatic focus, e.g. via a link, to render the focus ring. This is available for Button and ButtonLink.


  • Add new useFocus hook to allow an element to be focused when it’s mounted and updated.


  • Add elementToFocusOnClose prop to allow custom element to be focused when the drawer closes.

File upload

  • New implementation of error handling: new UI and unaccepted files no longer trigger the invalid state.
  • When using multiple, duplicate files aren’t selected.
  • maxFiles now uses the total files being uploaded, not just current selection.

Grouped fields

  • Remove unused required prop.


  • Support second logo with link for co-branding.


  • Prevent icons from shrinking smaller than their intended size.


  • Add BoxProps to allowed types for ListItem.

Page alert

  • Add focusOnMount prop to focus the alert as soon as it’s rendered to the page.
  • Add focusOnUpdate prop for to focus the alert when content updates.
  • Add focusRingFor="all" to improve accessibility for programmatically focused alerts.

Section alert

  • Add focusOnMount prop to focus the alert as soon as it’s rendered to the page.
  • Add focusOnUpdate prop for to focus the alert when content updates.
  • Add focusRingFor="all" to improve accessibility for programmatically focused alerts.
  • Ensure Close button is always aligned to the top.

Summary list

  • Increase gap between SummaryListItemTerm and SummaryListItemDescription to show a clearer separation.


  • Add invalid prop to TableRow component to visually indicate a row with error.
  • Docs: Fix example header alignment.

Task list

  • Make doneRecently status count towards stepsCompleted.


  • Remove unnecessary margin reset CSS.

Released packages

"@ag.ds-next/react": "1.22.0"

Full changelog

Aside from the complete release notes on the @ag.ds-next website, you can also view the verbose change log in the related PR for this release.