Agriculture Design System
Design System for the Export Service

Section alert

Section alerts are non-disruptive notifications that provide Success, Error and Warning messages about a state change in a section of a page.

View in FigmaView in StorybookView in Github
import { ... } from '@ag.ds-next/react/section-alert';

Section alerts appear inside of the main content area of the page and are used to alert users to a particular section of the screen. They should not be confused with Callouts.

Open in Playroom, opens in a new tab
<SectionAlert title="Your changes have been saved" tone="success" />


  • use to notify users about a change in state in a section of a page
  • use to communicate error, warning or success messages
  • allow users to dismiss alerts that are not critical
  • place above interactive components or at the top of page sections
  • use constructive, no-blame language, avoid vague descriptions and always provide a solution
  • keep it short - content should be understood at a glance
  • use the appropriate status and tone of success, error or warning.


  • use to communicate messages which relate to the entire page - use Page alert instead
  • use to communicate messages which relate to the entire application - use Global alert instead
  • use to contain text in articles or other blocks of text content - use Callout instead
  • hide the message automatically. Let the user dismiss the message instead
  • repeat the title in the description
  • use the description if the title is enough to convey the message
  • include a close button for error messages.


Section alert can be used to communicate different types of messages. Choosing a tone for a Section alert allows the user to understand the importance and severity of the message at a glance.

The three supported tones are success, error and warning.


The success section alert (green) is used for notifying the user that a task is fully completed.

<SectionAlert title="Your changes have been saved" tone="success" />


The error section alert (red) should be used when something destructive or critical has happened.

<SectionAlert title="There was an error saving your changes" tone="error" />


Use warning section alerts (orange) to tell the user something urgent. Only use an alert if the information will help the user avoid a problem.

<SectionAlert title="A warning message for this section" tone="warning" />


Section alerts are composed of an icon, heading, description, action and close action.

The icon and heading are mandatory and achieve a compact alert, but we encourage the use of description when more information might be helpful to the user.

Section alerts can be dismissed by a user if they have understood the message and no longer need to see it. Only use the close action when the alert does not impact the user’s available actions. Avoid dismissing error messages which block the user from completing a task. Instead, provide a way for the user to fix the error, then dismiss the alert once the error has been resolved.

<Stack gap={1}>
		title="Section alert title"

	<SectionAlert title="Section alert title" tone="success">
		<Text as="p">Description</Text>

	<SectionAlert title="Section alert title" tone="warning">
		<Stack gap={0.5} alignItems="flex-start">
			<Text as="p">Description</Text>
				<Button variant="text">Action</Button>
				<Button variant="text">Action</Button>
  • Global alert Global alerts display prominent service or system wide messages at the top of the screen.
  • Page alert Page alerts are colour-coded, non-disruptive notifications that provide Success, Error, Warning or Information messages at relevant times during the user journey. They should not be confused with Callouts.
  • Messaging Messaging conveys contextual information to the user, provides information in relation to a service or interaction, and provides feedback in response to their actions or the current system status.