Agriculture Design System
Design System for the Export Service



Tabs are used to categorise content into seperate views. A user can navigate between each section of content, displaying one section at a time.

View in FigmaView in StorybookView in Github
import { ... } from '@ag.ds-next/react/tabs';
Open in Playroom, opens in a new tab
		<TabButton>Tab 1</TabButton>
		<TabButton>Tab 2</TabButton>
		<TabButton>Tab 3</TabButton>
			<Text as="p">
				Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque
				fermentum lacus ac magna elementum, ac laoreet leo facilisis. Nulla at
				bibendum diam. Pellentesque vel accumsan eros, nec egestas leo. Etiam
				lacinia, ligula non cursus sodales, diam odio posuere eros, pharetra
				convallis lacus magna in urna. Etiam condimentum iaculis mattis.
				Vestibulum eget felis in orci eleifend vulputate vestibulum id mi.
				Curabitur at lacus vitae urna tincidunt vehicula at quis nibh. Quisque
				id aliquet sapien. Quisque ultricies nibh nisl, eu pellentesque dui
				semper a. Aliquam vestibulum justo vitae feugiat sodales. Aenean
				efficitur sodales diam, et volutpat enim faucibus a. Nulla mollis est eu
				velit malesuada ornare ultrices in neque.
			<Text as="p">
				Praesent metus leo, ultrices porta sodales quis, molestie vitae nisl.
				Fusce at eros ultricies, pharetra eros id, faucibus dolor. Nam et nibh
				lacus. Etiam pellentesque eros finibus ultricies malesuada. Sed eget
				libero suscipit, dictum lacus sit amet, venenatis dolor. Sed porttitor
				lorem turpis, ac suscipit lacus vehicula id. Aliquam id venenatis augue.
				Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
				ridiculus mus. Integer viverra metus sed dolor euismod consectetur. Cras
				mauris nisi, elementum vel eros sed, faucibus rhoncus mauris. Phasellus
				eu ante vehicula, luctus libero in, malesuada nulla.
			<Text as="p">
				Duis eu bibendum urna. Integer nisl massa, aliquam scelerisque hendrerit
				at, ullamcorper quis turpis. Proin vulputate tincidunt neque ut
				sollicitudin. In ullamcorper neque justo, vitae euismod ante aliquam
				eget. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes,
				nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec eu purus ac ante tempus vulputate ac vel
				mauris. Duis congue augue augue, quis elementum nisl ultricies
				fermentum. Sed pellentesque leo ut est semper vulputate.


  • use to categorise content on the same page into different sections
  • use to embed text, tables, summary lists, charts etc
  • use clear and concise labels
  • order the tabs according to the user needs
  • if the tabs are growing large in size, consider breaking up large chunks of content into separate pages or using an Accordion instead.


  • use for page navigation - use the Sub nav component instead
  • disable tab buttons
  • use a single tab
  • use to indicate progress - use the Progress indicator component instead
  • use if the user needs to compare information between two or more tabs.
  • embed information that is critical for users in tabs
  • embed long-form content – keep tabs concise.

When to use the Tabs component

Tabs allow users to switch between different views within a specific section of the same page and should not serve as links that navigate users to new URLs. If you need a navigation bar in the page, you should use the Sub nav component instead.

If you have a large number of sections, consider using an Accordion Group as they are stacked horizontally unlike Tabs.

If you have several sections of content that a user may need to view at the same time use an Accordion Group as multiple accordions can be open at once.

If you only have a single peice of short, less important content, use the visually less prominent Details component.

Not contained

Set the contained prop to false to remove the horizontal borders and padding from the tab panels.

<Tabs contained={false}>
		<TabButton>Tab 1</TabButton>
		<TabButton>Tab 2</TabButton>
		<TabButton>Tab 3</TabButton>
		<TabPanel>Tab panel 1.</TabPanel>
		<TabPanel>Tab panel 2.</TabPanel>
		<TabPanel>Tab panel 3.</TabPanel>


Use the activeTabIndex and setActiveIndex props to control the active tab index. This is useful if you want to store the active tab state in the browser URL.

() => {
	const [activeTabIndex, setActiveIndex] = React.useState(0);
	return (
		<Stack gap={2}>
			<Text>Current tab index: {activeTabIndex}</Text>
			<Tabs activeIndex={activeTabIndex} onChange={setActiveIndex}>
					<TabButton>Tab 1</TabButton>
					<TabButton>Tab 2</TabButton>
					<TabButton>Tab 3</TabButton>
					<TabPanel>Tab panel 1.</TabPanel>
					<TabPanel>Tab panel 2.</TabPanel>
					<TabPanel>Tab panel 3.</TabPanel>
  • Accordion An accordion lets users show and hide sections of related content.
  • Details The Details component hides non-essential content unless a user explicitly chooses to view it.
  • Sub nav A horizontal list of links typically placed between the main navigation and page content.