Agriculture Design System
Design System for the Export Service
30th January 2023

AgDS Beta v1.1.0 release

New FileInput component and new icons. Bug fixes and improvements.

New components

File input

A simple input for selecting files in a form. The FileInput component is a wrapper around the native <input type="file" /> element. Use when you require multiple files in a form, which must be associated as seperate fields. If you only require a single file, use the FileUpload component instead.

Open in Playroom, opens in a new tab
<FileInput label="Drivers license" />



  • Prevent link event from firing twice


  • Fixed bug in ComboboxAsync where options would be loaded on initial render incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug where the input element became non-interactive after blur


  • Added new icons: ChartBarIcon, ChartLineIcon, DeleteIcon, DownloadIcon, EditIcon, FilterIcon, HelpIcon and PrintIcon


  • Add support for removing tags

Text input

  • Apply body background to all inputs

Released packages

"@ag.ds-next/react": "1.1.0"

Full changelog

Aside from the complete release notes on the @ag.ds-next website, you can also view the verbose change log in the related PR for this release.