Agriculture Design System
Design System for the Export Service
14th November 2023

AgDS Beta v1.16.0 release

Initial release of Password input, improvements to Combobox, plus various minor bug fixes and improvements.


AG Branding

  • Updated darkBackgroundShade and darkBackgroundBodyAlt colors


  • Added support for react nodes in the secondaryText and tertiaryText props in the AutocompleteRenderItem component


  • Added new clearable prop to Combobox. If true, the clear button ("x") will be rendered when there is a selected option
  • Fixed a bug where changing the value of the options prob would not immediately update the list of options
  • Added support for react nodes in the secondaryText and tertiaryText props in the ComboboxRenderItem component

Date picker

  • Used fixed height in calendar to prevent navigation controls from moving when switching between months

Date range picker

  • Used fixed height in calendar to prevent navigation controls from moving when switching between months

File input

  • Increased visual prominence of when a file has been uploaded by changing the font weight when a file has been added
  • Decreased the ‘Choose files’ button size
  • Fixed hover styles in file selector button

File upload

  • Added support for href in FileWithStatus

Main nav

  • Extended the secondaryItems prop to allow users to add a dropdown menu
  • Made improvements to component under the hood to better improve performance and code readability

Password input

  • Initial release of component

Released packages

"@ag.ds-next/react": "1.16.0"

Full changelog

Aside from the complete release notes on the @ag.ds-next website, you can also view the verbose change log in the related PR for this release.