Agriculture Design System
Design System for the Export Service
11th June 2023

AgDS Beta v1.7.0 release

Initial release of Filter drawer, extended functionality in Page alert and Status badge, plus various bug fixes and improvements.


App layout

  • Changed responsive behaviour so that the desktop layout is visible from the extra large breakpoint (1200px) (PR #1213)
  • Added new prop badgeLabel to AppLayoutHeader which can be used to indicate if an application is in a prerelease state (PR #1241)



  • Upgraded popover positioning dependency from React Popper to Floating UI (PR #1207)
  • Created a set of tokens for z-index (PR #1210)
  • Removed modalDialog and mobileMenu max-width tokens as they are related to specific components (PR #1240)

Filter drawer

File input

  • Removed red tint background from invalid state (PR #1191)



  • Fixed inconsistent padding on mobile (PR #1205)

Page alert

  • Added support for dismissing through a new onDismiss prop (PR #1171)


  • Improved styles for figcaption (PR #1094)
  • Increased margin between hr elements (PR #1233)

Status badge

  • Added new weight prop which can be used to set the visual weight of the badge. The two accepted values are subtle and regular (default) (PR #1218)


  • Added new fontWeight prop to TableCell (PR #1238)

Released packages

"@ag.ds-next/react": "1.7.0"

Full changelog

Aside from the complete release notes on the @ag.ds-next website, you can also view the verbose change log in the related PR for this release.