Agriculture Design System
Design System for the Export Service

28th June, 2022

New branding for Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. New Switch and Pagination component. Various bug fixes and improvements.

⚠️ Note: All releases under the @ag.ds-next package scope should be considered alpha pre-releases. Expect breaking changes. Once we are happy with the state of the core packages we will migrate all packages to @ag.ds.

New packages

"@ag.ds-next/pagination": "1.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/sub-nav": "1.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/switch": "1.0.0"

Breaking changes

  • @ag.ds-next/secondary-nav has been deprecated, use @ag.ds-next/sub-nav instead.



  • New Logo for Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry


  • Removed target="_blank" from all links as per accessibility recommendations.


  • Removed target="_blank" from all links as per accessibility recommendations.


  • Removed target="_blank" from all links as per accessibility recommendations.


  • Remove dot prefixes from file extensions
  • Update file-level validation messages
  • Improve documentation


  • Update examples with new branding


  • Explicitly import fragment


  • Updated documentation

Full changelog

Aside from the complete release notes on the @ag.ds-next website, you can also view the verbose change log in the related PR ( for this release.

Released packages

"@ag.ds-next/accordion": "8.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/ag-branding": "6.1.0",
"@ag.ds-next/breadcrumbs": "12.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/button": "9.1.0",
"@ag.ds-next/call-to-action": "8.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/date-picker": "6.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/direction-link": "8.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/file-upload": "4.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/inpage-nav": "7.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/keyword-list": "7.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/link-list": "10.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/main-nav": "12.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/modal": "6.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/pagination": "1.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/progress-indicator": "10.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/search-box": "10.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/select": "9.0.1",
"@ag.ds-next/side-nav": "11.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/skip-link": "7.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/sub-nav": "1.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/switch": "1.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/tags": "7.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/task-list": "8.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/text-link": "4.0.0",