Agriculture Design System
Design System for the Export Service

4th January, 2023

Add GlobalAlert and SearchInput components. Various bug fixes and improvements.

⚠️ Note: All releases under the @ag.ds-next package scope should be considered alpha pre-releases. Expect breaking changes. Once we are happy with the state of the core packages we will migrate all packages to @ag.ds.

New packages



Global Alerts show pressing and high-signal messages, such as system alerts.

You can learn more about GlobalAlert in the component docs.

<GlobalAlert title="Alert title">
	<Text as="p">
		Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce massa nibh,
		aliquam vel dolor non, gravida porttitor nulla. Pellentesque cursus orci
		vulputate nibh sagittis blandit.


Search input enables users to enter a word or phrase to find relevant content.

You can learn more about SearchInput in the component docs.

<SearchInput label="Search" />



  • Removed the neutral tone as well as the tone prop from IndicatorDot. It now only uses the blue 'action' colour.


  • Split up Combobox and ComboboxAsync into separate components
  • Improved styles to combobox buttons (dropdown indicator and clear button)
  • Added debouncing to prevent unnecessary network requests
  • Removed valid prop
  • Added new prop hideOptionalLabel. If true, ‘(optional)’ will never be appended to the label even when required is false.
  • Adjusted form field max widths


  • Added new size xl (2.5rem/40px)
  • Enable dynamic weights to show thicker strokes at small sizes
  • Added support for responsive sizes
  • Removed ProgressDoneIcon
  • Added ProgressBlockedIcon
  • Updated ProgressTodoIcon


  • Removed valid prop.
  • Added debouncing to prevent unnecessary network requests.


  • Enable responsive border props


  • Added collapsible behaviour to mobile version


  • Removed valid prop
  • Added aria-invalid and aria-describedby to Checkbox and Radio
  • Added new prop hideOptionalLabel. If true, ‘(optional)’ will never be appended to the label even when required is false.


  • Removed valid prop
  • Added year select to calendar widget
  • Disabled browser autocomplete from text input
  • Improve accessibility by increasing font weight of selected dates
  • Adjusted form field max widths


  • Removed valid prop
  • Added new prop hideOptionalLabel. If true, ‘(optional)’ will never be appended to the label even when required is false.
  • Adjusted form field max widths


  • Removed valid prop
  • Show multiple errors per rejected file
  • Updated visual styles for default and active drag state
  • Added new prop hideOptionalLabel. If true, ‘(optional)’ will never be appended to the label even when required is false.


  • Visual improvements featuring a new timeline design
  • Added new status option blocked
  • Updated status labels with new language


  • Removed valid prop
  • Adjusted form field max width and removed xs and sm options from the maxWidth prop
  • Added new prop hideOptionalLabel. If true, ‘(optional)’ will never be appended to the label even when required is false.


  • Added new status options blocked and doneRecently
  • Added title and step count above TaskList
  • Updated status labels with new language
  • UI refresh


  • Removed valid prop
  • Adjusted form field max widths
  • Added new prop hideOptionalLabel. If true, ‘(optional)’ will never be appended to the label even when required is false.


  • Removed valid prop
  • Adjusted form field max widths and removed xs and sm options from the maxWidth prop
  • Added new prop hideOptionalLabel. If true, ‘(optional)’ will never be appended to the label even when required is false.


  • Updated card link data attribute value


  • Added support for tabIndex in BaseContent


  • Adjusted form field max widths


  • Adjust responsive behaviour to better support SearchBox


  • Added tab index to navigation container to improve accessibility when used with skip links


  • Added empty styles so the container will be hidden if no content has been supplied
  • Increase spacing before block elements


  • Removed browser autocomplete from the search box input component


  • Prevented flex shrinking of SummaryListItemTerm to ensure the width of this element is always the same

Full changelog

Aside from the complete release notes on the @ag.ds-next website, you can also view the verbose change log in the related PR ( for this release.

Released packages

"@ag.ds-next/accordion": "12.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/ag-branding": "8.0.1",
"@ag.ds-next/autocomplete": "2.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/badge": "4.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/box": "8.1.0",
"@ag.ds-next/breadcrumbs": "16.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/button": "13.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/call-to-action": "12.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/callout": "9.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/card": "9.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/columns": "10.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/combobox": "2.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/content": "11.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/control-input": "13.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/core": "4.1.1",
"@ag.ds-next/date-picker": "10.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/details": "2.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/direction-link": "12.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/field": "12.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/fieldset": "9.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/file-upload": "8.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/footer": "11.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/form-stack": "8.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/global-alert": "1.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/header": "13.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/heading": "11.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/hero-banner": "8.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/icon": "13.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/inpage-nav": "11.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/link-list": "14.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/loading": "8.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/main-nav": "16.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/modal": "10.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/page-alert": "9.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/pagination": "5.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/progress-indicator": "14.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/prose": "3.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/search-box": "14.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/search-input": "1.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/select": "13.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/side-nav": "15.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/skeleton": "4.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/skip-link": "11.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/sub-nav": "5.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/summary-list": "2.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/switch": "5.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/table": "8.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/tags": "11.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/task-list": "12.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/text": "12.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/text-input": "13.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/text-link": "8.0.0",
"@ag.ds-next/textarea": "13.0.0"