Agriculture Design System
Design System for the Export Service
19th April 2023

AgDS Beta v1.4.0 release

Added multi-select combobox, extended progress indicator, various bug fixes and improvements.



  • Upgraded internal dependency of downshift to version 7 which was updated to support the ARIA 1.2 combobox pattern (PR #993)
  • Updated documentation (PR #993)
  • Fixed asynchronous test displaying a warning for performing a state update that is not wrapped in act (PR #993)


  • Added support for the aria-hidden prop in NotificationBadge (PR #1042)


  • Upgraded internal dependency of downshift to version 7 which was updated to support the ARIA 1.2 combobox pattern (PR #993)
  • Created new component ComboboxMulti which allows users to choose multiple items from a predefined list of options (PR #993)
  • Created new component ComboboxAsyncMulti which allows users to choose multiple items from a list of options that needs to be fetched over the network (PR #993)

Date picker

  • Fixed text colour bug when using in dark palette (PR #1067)


  • Update wrapping behaviour of label (PR #1041)
  • Extended the function returned from from useScrollToField to accept either a mouse event or an ID of a form field element. This change makes it easier for consumers to scroll and focus a form field on the same page in situations such as when a form first renders. (PR #1038)


  • Added new icons HomeIcon and ExitIcon (PR #1062)

Page alert

  • Added flex growing to the content area (PR #1066)

Progress indicator

  • Added new status started which can be used to indicate that the step has been partially completed but is not active or selected (PR #1068)


  • Created new component TableHeaderSortable which can be used in place of TableHeader when users can click a column header to sort the table (PR #1047)

Released packages

"@ag.ds-next/react": "1.4.0"

Full changelog

Aside from the complete release notes on the @ag.ds-next website, you can also view the verbose change log in the related PR for this release.