Agriculture Design System
Design System for the Export Service


Content patterns

Reusable ways to combine content for common tasks in the Export Service.

Break up legal declarations into separate paragraphs and consent checkboxes.

It’s easier for users to read and confirm their acceptance of the statements we provide. For more information, see our Legal guidance in How to create guidance in the Export Service.

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Error pages

Used to display error messages to users if something goes wrong while loading the page.

When writing error messages:

  • Be specific in describing the error
  • Distil technical jargon into more simple and conversational language where possible
  • Describe how and when the error can be resolved
  • Don’t blame the user for the error
  • Include the error code in the message if possible. It may be helpful is a user accesses human-led support.

You can use the following content patterns for common error pages in the Export Service.

Page not found (404)

Use the Page not found (404) error page content if a user tries to access a page that doesn’t exist or a broken link.

Planned maintenance (503)

Use the Planned maintenance (503) error page content if the Export Service is unavailable because of planned system maintenance.

Internal server error (500)

Use the Internal server error (500) error page content if the Export Service is unavailable due to an internal service error or outage.

Third party outage (503)

Use the Third party outage (503) error page content (or a variation of it) if a third-party provider experiences a system outage and their service is unavailable. For example, Digital Identity or Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM).

If the outage is planned, you can use the Scheduled third party outage (503) error page content instead.

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‘Need more help?’ callouts

Use this pattern and content to give users the option to call the Export Service support desk.

Use ‘Need more help?’ as the heading. Not, ‘Need help?’ or ‘For more help’.

Make sure the Export Service phone number is accessible and linked. Don’t use bullet points or a colon after ‘Call’ or ‘Email’. Don’t use a full stop after the email address.


Open in Playroom, opens in a new tab
<Callout title="Need more help?">
			Call <strong>1800 571 125</strong>, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm AEST
			<br />
			Email{' '}
			<a href="">

For more information, see Callout.

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