Conditionally revealed content
Conditionally reveal a question or information related to a specific radio or checkbox option when a user selects it. This ensures that users only encounter conditionally revealed content when it is applicable to their selection.
- limit what is revealed to 1 related question or piece of information
- reveal the related question or information directly under the initial question
- use another page if there are multiple related questions
- only use with vertically stacked checkboxes or radios
- reveal more than 1 related question or piece of information
- use with horizontally stacked checkboxes or radios
- reveal anything that is not a question or piece of information relating directly to a specific radio or checkbox option.
You can reveal a related question or information specific to that option when users select a particular Radio, so they only see that content when it is relevant to them.
() => { const [value, setValue] = React.useState(); const handlerForKey = React.useCallback((key) => () => setValue(key), []); const isChecked = (key) => key === value; return ( <ControlGroup label="Preferred contact method" required block> <Radio checked={isChecked('email')} onChange={handlerForKey('email')}> Email </Radio> {isChecked('email') && ( <ConditionalFieldContainer> <TextInput type="email" label="Email address" required /> </ConditionalFieldContainer> )} <Radio checked={isChecked('phone')} onChange={handlerForKey('phone')}> Phone </Radio> {isChecked('phone') && ( <ConditionalFieldContainer> <TextInput label="Phone number" inputMode="numeric" required /> </ConditionalFieldContainer> )} <Radio checked={isChecked('textMessage')} onChange={handlerForKey('textMessage')} > Text message </Radio> {isChecked('textMessage') && ( <ConditionalFieldContainer> <TextInput label="Mobile phone number" inputMode="numeric" required /> </ConditionalFieldContainer> )} </ControlGroup> ); };
You can reveal a related question or information related to that option when a user selects a particular Checkbox, so they only see that content when it is relevant to them.
() => { const [value, setValue] = React.useState([]); const handlerForKey = React.useCallback( (key) => () => setValue((value) => value.includes(key) ? value.filter((v) => v !== key) : [...value, key] ), [] ); const isChecked = (key) => value.includes(key); return ( <ControlGroup label="Preferred contact method" required block> <Checkbox checked={isChecked('email')} onChange={handlerForKey('email')}> Email </Checkbox> {isChecked('email') && ( <ConditionalFieldContainer> <TextInput type="email" label="Email address" required /> </ConditionalFieldContainer> )} <Checkbox checked={isChecked('phone')} onChange={handlerForKey('phone')}> Phone </Checkbox> {isChecked('phone') && ( <ConditionalFieldContainer> <TextInput label="Phone number" inputMode="numeric" required /> </ConditionalFieldContainer> )} <Checkbox checked={isChecked('textMessage')} onChange={handlerForKey('textMessage')} > Text message </Checkbox> {isChecked('textMessage') && ( <ConditionalFieldContainer> <TextInput label="Mobile phone number" inputMode="numeric" required /> </ConditionalFieldContainer> )} </ControlGroup> ); };
When a conditionally revealed question is invalid, include an error message on the invalid field that is clearly related to the initial question.
() => { const [value, setValue] = React.useState('email'); const handlerForKey = React.useCallback((key) => () => setValue(key), []); const isChecked = (key) => key === value; return ( <ControlGroup label="Preferred contact method" required block> <Radio checked={isChecked('email')} onChange={handlerForKey('email')}> Email </Radio> {isChecked('email') && ( <ConditionalFieldContainer> <TextInput type="email" label="Email address" required invalid message="Enter a email address" /> </ConditionalFieldContainer> )} <Radio checked={isChecked('phone')} onChange={handlerForKey('phone')}> Phone </Radio> {isChecked('phone') && ( <ConditionalFieldContainer> <TextInput label="Phone number" inputMode="numeric" required invalid message="Enter a phone number" /> </ConditionalFieldContainer> )} <Radio checked={isChecked('textMessage')} onChange={handlerForKey('textMessage')} > Text message </Radio> {isChecked('textMessage') && ( <ConditionalFieldContainer> <TextInput label="Mobile phone number" inputMode="numeric" required invalid message="Enter a mobile phone number" /> </ConditionalFieldContainer> )} </ControlGroup> ); };