Agriculture Design System
Design System for the Export Service

Date range picker

The Date range picker component allows users to select a range of dates via a calendar or text input.

View in FigmaView in StorybookView in Github
import { ... } from '@ag.ds-next/react/date-range-picker';


Date range picker components can be imported via the date-range-picker entrypoint in the @ag.ds-next/react package.

For example:

import { ... } from '@ag.ds-next/react/date-range-picker';


DateRangePicker Props
onChange(day: DateRange) => void
Function to be fired following a change event.
The value of the field.
allowedDateFormats?readonly ("dd/MM/yyyy" | "dd-MM-yyyy" | "dd MM yyyy" | "MM/dd/yyyy" | "MM-dd-yyyy" | "MM dd yyyy" | "do MMMM yyyy" | "do MMM yyyy" | "MMMM do yyyy" | "MMM do yyyy" | "d MMMM yyyy" | ... 6 more ... | "MMM dd yyyy")[]
Specifies the date formats that can be parsed.
dateFormat?"dd/MM/yyyy" | "dd-MM-yyyy" | "dd MM yyyy" | "MM/dd/yyyy" | "MM-dd-yyyy" | "MM dd yyyy" | "do MMMM yyyy" | "do MMM yyyy" | "MMMM do yyyy" | "MMM do yyyy" | "d MMMM yyyy" | ... 7 more ...Default: "dd/MM/yyyy"
Used to adjust the date format displayed in the text input and secondary label.
If true, the field will not be interactive.
Ref to the start input element.
fromInvalid?booleanDefault: false
If true, the invalid state will be rendered for the start date.
fromLabel?stringDefault: "Start date"
The label above the start date.
If true, "(optional)" will never be appended to the legend even when `required` is `false`.
Provides extra information about the group of fields.
Defines an identifier (ID) which must be unique.
Describes the purpose of the group of fields.
If set, any days after this date will not be selectable.
Message to show when the field is invalid.
If set, any days before this date will not be selectable.
onFromInputChange?((inputValue: string) => void)
Function to be fired when the input value is updated.
onToInputChange?((inputValue: string) => void)
Function to be fired when the input value is updated.
required?booleanDefault: false
If false, "(optional)" will not be appended to the legend.
Ref to the end input element.
toInvalid?booleanDefault: false
If true, the invalid state will be rendered for the end date.
toLabel?stringDefault: "End date"
The label above the end date.
yearRange?{ from: number; to: number; }
The range of options to display in calendar year select.


You can view the full source code for this package on Github.