import { ... } from '@ag.ds-next/react/prose';
Prose components can be imported via the prose
entrypoint in the @ag.ds-next/react
For example:
import { ... } from '@ag.ds-next/react/prose';
Prop | Type | Description |
alignItems? | ResponsiveProp<"center" | "flex-start" | "flex-end" | "stretch" | "start" | "end" | "baseline"> | Sets the CSS align-items property. |
alignSelf? | ResponsiveProp<"center" | "flex-start" | "flex-end" | "stretch" | "start" | "end" | "baseline"> | Sets the CSS align-self property. |
as? | ElementType<any> | |
background? | ResponsiveProp<"body" | "info" | "success" | "error" | "warning" | "shade" | "bodyAlt" | "shadeAlt"> | Maps tokens to the CSS background-color property. |
border? | ResponsiveProp<boolean> | If true, renders a border on all sides using the relevant width. |
borderBottom? | ResponsiveProp<boolean> | If true, renders a border on the bottom side using the relevant width. |
borderBottomWidth? | ResponsiveProp<"md" | "lg" | "xl" | "sm" | "none" | "xxl"> | Maps tokens to the CSS border-bottom-width property. |
borderColor? | ResponsiveProp<"border" | "selected" | "muted" | "accent" | "info" | "success" | "error" | "warning"> | Maps tokens to the CSS border-color property. Default: 'border'. |
borderLeft? | ResponsiveProp<boolean> | If true, renders a border on the left side using the relevant width. |
borderLeftWidth? | ResponsiveProp<"md" | "lg" | "xl" | "sm" | "none" | "xxl"> | Maps tokens to the CSS border-left-width property. |
borderRight? | ResponsiveProp<boolean> | If true, renders a border on the right side using the relevant width. |
borderRightWidth? | ResponsiveProp<"md" | "lg" | "xl" | "sm" | "none" | "xxl"> | Maps tokens to the CSS border-right-width property. |
borderTop? | ResponsiveProp<boolean> | If true, renders a border on the top side using the relevant width. |
borderTopWidth? | ResponsiveProp<"md" | "lg" | "xl" | "sm" | "none" | "xxl"> | Maps tokens to the CSS border-top-width property. |
borderWidth? | ResponsiveProp<"md" | "lg" | "xl" | "sm" | "none" | "xxl"> | Maps tokens to the CSS border-width property. Default: 'sm'. |
borderX? | ResponsiveProp<boolean> | If true, renders a border on the left and right sides using the relevant width. |
borderY? | ResponsiveProp<boolean> | If true, renders a border on the top and bottom sides using the relevant width. |
breakWords? | boolean | If true, applies the CSS word-break: break-word property, or word-break: normal if false. |
color? | ResponsiveProp<"text" | "inherit" | "action" | "selected" | "muted" | "accent" | "info" | "success" | "error" | "warning"> | Maps tokens to the CSS color property. |
columnGap? | ResponsiveProp<Spacing> | Maps tokens to the CSS column-gap property. |
dark? | boolean | Sets the colour palette to dark always. |
display? | ResponsiveProp<"block" | "none" | "grid" | "table" | "flex" | "inline" | "inline-block" | "inline-flex" | "table-row-group" | "table-header-group" | "table-footer-group" | "table-row" | ... 4 more ... | "inline-grid"> | Sets the CSS display property. |
flexDirection? | ResponsiveProp<"row" | "column" | "row-reverse" | "column-reverse"> | Sets the CSS flex-direction property. |
flexGrow? | ResponsiveProp<number> | Sets the CSS flex-grow property. |
flexShrink? | ResponsiveProp<number> | Sets the CSS flex-shrink property. |
flexWrap? | ResponsiveProp<"nowrap" | "wrap" | "wrap-reverse"> | Sets the CSS flex-wrap property. |
focus? | boolean | @deprecated use focusRingFor="keyboard". |
focusRingFor? | "all" | "keyboard" | Display a focus indicator when the element receives focus. 'all' shows for all users, includes programmatic focus, and 'keyboard' is for keyboard-only focus. |
fontFamily? | ResponsiveProp<"body" | "monospace"> | Maps tokens to the CSS font-family property. |
fontSize? | ResponsiveProp<FontSize> | Maps tokens to the CSS font-size property. |
fontWeight? | ResponsiveProp<"normal" | "bold"> | Maps tokens to the CSS font-weight property. |
gap? | ResponsiveProp<Spacing> | Maps tokens to the CSS gap property. |
gridColumnEnd? | ResponsiveProp<number> | Sets the CSS grid-column-end property. |
gridColumnSpan? | ResponsiveProp<number> | Sets a subset of the CSS grid-columns property. |
gridColumnStart? | ResponsiveProp<number> | Sets the CSS grid-column-start property. |
height? | ResponsiveProp<string | number> | Sets the CSS height property. |
highContrastOutline? | boolean | If true, a solid outline will be visible in windows high contrast mode. |
justifyContent? | ResponsiveProp<"center" | "flex-start" | "flex-end" | "space-between" | "space-around" | "space-evenly"> | Sets the CSS justify-content property. |
justifySelf? | ResponsiveProp<"center" | "stretch" | "start" | "end" | "baseline"> | Sets the CSS justify-self property. |
light? | boolean | Sets the colour palette to light always. |
lineHeight? | "heading" | "nospace" | "default" | Maps tokens to the CSS line-height property. |
link? | boolean | |
maxHeight? | ResponsiveProp<string | number> | Sets the CSS max-height property. |
maxWidth? | ResponsiveProp<string | number> | Sets the CSS max-width property. |
minHeight? | ResponsiveProp<string | number> | Sets the CSS min-height property. |
minWidth? | ResponsiveProp<string | number> | Sets the CSS min-width property. |
padding? | ResponsiveProp<Spacing> | Maps tokens to the CSS padding property. |
paddingBottom? | ResponsiveProp<Spacing> | Maps tokens to the CSS padding-bottom property. |
paddingLeft? | ResponsiveProp<Spacing> | Maps tokens to the CSS padding-left property. |
paddingRight? | ResponsiveProp<Spacing> | Maps tokens to the CSS padding-right property. |
paddingTop? | ResponsiveProp<Spacing> | Maps tokens to the CSS padding-top property. |
paddingX? | ResponsiveProp<Spacing> | Maps tokens to the CSS padding-left and padding-right properties. |
paddingY? | ResponsiveProp<Spacing> | Maps tokens to the CSS padding-bottom and padding-top properties. |
palette? | ResponsiveProp<"dark" | "light"> | Sets the colour palette, which can also be changed at breakpoints. |
ref? | Ref<Comp extends "symbol" | "pattern" | "text" | "image" | "switch" | "svg" | "animate" | "animateMotion" | "animateTransform" | "circle" | "clipPath" | "defs" | ... 47 more ... | keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap ? ElementTagNameMap[Comp] : Comp extends new (...args: any) => any ? InstanceType<...> : undefined> | |
rounded? | boolean | If true, rounds the element's corners by mapping tokens.borderRadius to the CSS border-radius property. |
rowGap? | ResponsiveProp<Spacing> | Maps tokens to the CSS row-gap property. |
textAlign? | ResponsiveProp<"left" | "right" | "center"> | Maps tokens to the CSS text-align property. |
width? | ResponsiveProp<string | number> | Sets the CSS width property. |
You can view the full source code for this package on Github.